Al Shindagah Magazine


Khalaf Al Habtoor received Theodore H. Kattouf, Ambassador of the United States to the UAE and Thomas C Krajeski, Consul General of the United States in Dubai.

Khalaf Al Habtoor received Joost Wolfswinkel, Ambassador of the Netherlands in the UAE and Lody Embrechts, Consul General of the Netherlands in Dubai.
Khalaf Al Habtoor and Maan Halabi, executive director, Al Habtoor Group, received a delegation of Lithuanian businessman at Al Habtoor Group head offices. The delegation included Dr Eugenijus Maldeikis, minister of commerce; Arunas Vazgilevicus, head of Vilnaius branch of Mazeiklu Nafta; Dr Vytautas Zalys, head of Asian, African and Pacific Division of the ministry of Foreign Affairs; Gvidas Kerusauskas, Lithuanian Consul in Dubai and Raimondas Kvedaras, deputy chairman of the board of Vilniaus Bank.

Khalaf Al Habtoor received Saad Zakhia, Consul General of Lebanon in Dubai.
Khalaf Al Habtoor received Husny Sunkar, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the UAE
Mohammed Al Habtoor received S A Khamooshi, senior vice president and member of the board of executives of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organisation of Iran and a number of other Iranian representitives.
Rami Shihabuddin, dorector, research and studies, Al Habtoor Group, Keith Parker, director, projects and development, Al Habtoor Group and Nigel Poole, contracts manager, Al Habtoor Engineering received a French trade delegation at Al Habtoor Group head offices. The delegation included Pascal Caputo, regional director - Middle East, Bouyges Batiment; Stephen Boulet, studies and information, French National Committee for Foreign Trade; Cedric balas, head of Near and Middle East department, French Enterprise Association and Benrard Couinard, commercial manager overseas division, Colas.